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Karolina Lewiñska
    Work address:
Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Dziegielowa 27, 61-680 Poznañ, Poland
Phone: (+4861) 8296232, Fax: (+4861) 8296230

E-mail: karolina.lewinska @


2011 – Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology ,
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences,  Ph.D. degree in Agronomy, Dissertation title: "Arsenic solubility and phytoavailability in polluted soils in prospect of their biological reclamation

2006 –
Faculty of Agriculture, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Master of Science in Environmental Protection, Specialization: Soil Protection and Degraded Land Reclamation


    2007 – 2008 -, The Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, Post-graduate Study of Health and Safety Management

    2005 – 2006 - University of Wroclaw; The Faculty of Law, Administration and Economy, Post-graduate Study In Law of Environmental Protection


    2013 to present

Place: Department of Soil Science and Remote Sensing of Soils, Institute of Physical Geography and Environmental Planning, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznañ, Poland - position: Assistant Professor (classes on soil science, heavy metals in soils, soil reclamation and post-industrial revitalization)


·         Grant of National Science Centre (NCN), (UMO-2014/13/B/ST10/02978). Project title: “Antimony speciation in soils of selected areas in Lower Silesia, as related to environmental risk”, from 2015-2018, Key Investigator;

·         Grant of Scientific Research Committee (KBN), PhD grant (N N305 320836). Project title: “Arsenic solubility and phytoavailability in polluted soils in prospect of their biological reclamation”, 10.2009-09.2011, Key Investigator;

·         Grant “The enterprising PhD student-investment in the innovative regional development” received from Marshal Office on the Lower Silesia Region co-financed by EU fund program; 01.10.2010 – 30.09.2011 r., Principal Investigator

·         Scholarship "Student Scholarship Program” received from President of Wroclaw, October 2010;

·         Grant “GRANT for PhD students-research supported by scholarships” – second edition, received from Marshal Office on the Lower Silesia Region co-financed by EU fund program, 01.04.2009 – 30.09.2009 r., Principal Investigator;

·         Grant “GRANT for PhD students-research supported by scholarships” first edition, received from Marshal Office on the Lower Silesia Region co-financed by EU fund program; 01.10.2008 – 31.03.2009 r., Principal Investigator

·         Scholarship: "Verein der Freunde der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien“ received on Universität für Bodenkultur, Austria, during 3-months fellowship in 2009

·         Away Scholarship from Organizers 2nd International Congress “Arsenic in the Environment: Arsenic From Nature to Humans”, Valencia, Spain, 2008

·         Travel support award from Organizing Committee of the 3th Conference Central and Eastern European Conference on Health and Environment – CEECHE, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2008



1. Austria, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Erasmus fellowship, (3,5 months)

2. Czech Republic, University of South Bohemia, Ceskie Budejovice, CEEPUS fellowship, (1 month)

3. Slovakia, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra. CEEPUS fellowship, (1 month)

4. Poland, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of Environmental Sciences, fellowship (2 weeks)


·         heavy metals and arsenic in soil,

·         heavy metals mobility and phytoavailability,

·         land reclamation

·         risk assessment,

·         soil spectra and use of remote sensing methods for the quantitative assessment of soil nutrients and contamination by heavy metals

    Membership of organizations:

    Member of Polish Society of Soil Science (from 2014)


    Travelling, reading books
