
34. Cierniewski J., Królewicz S., Kaźmierowski C., (2017). Annual dynamics of shortwave radiation as consequence of smoothing of previosly plowed and harrowed soils in Poland. (Accepted for publication) Doi:

33. Cierniewski J., Królewicz S., Kaźmierowski C., Ceglarek J., Kusz P. (2015) Shortwave radiation reflected from the territory of Poland throughout the year as an effect of smoothing soils previously plowed and harrowed. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS, Milan, Italy; 07/2015. 

32. Kaźmierowski C., Ceglarek J., Jasiewicz J., Królewicz S., Wyczałek M., Cierniewski J.,(2015). Soil surface roughness quantification using DEM obtained from UAV photogrammetry. In Geomorphometry for Geosciences, edited by Jaroslaw Jasiewicz, Zbigniew Zwoliński, Helena Mitasova and Tomislav Hengl, 259-262. Poznań, Poland: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań - Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation.

   31. Piekarczyk J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., Cierniewski J. (2015). Effects of soil surface roughness on soil reflectance measured in laboratory and outdoor conditions. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. Volume: vol. 9, Issue: 2, pp. 827 - 834, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2450775.

30. Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S. (2015): Evaluation of the effects of surface roughness on the relationship between soil BRF data and broadband albedo. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. Volume: 8, Issue: 4: 1528 - 1533. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2361924. 

29. Cierniewski J., Karnieli, A., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., Piekarczyk J., Lewińska K., Goldberg A., Wesolowski R., Orzechowski M. (2015): Effects of Soil Surface Irregularities on the Diurnal Variation of Soil Broadband Blue-Sky Albedo. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. Vol. 8, Issue 2: 493 - 502. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2330691. 

28. Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., Piekarczyk J., Wróbel M., Zagajewski B. (2014): Effects of different illumination and observation techniques of cultivated soils on their hyperspectral bidirectional measurements under field and laboratory conditions. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. Vol. 7, Issue 6: 2525 - 2530. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2298098.

27. Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., Piekarczyk J., (2013): Effects of soil roughness on the optimal time of cultivated soils observation by satellites for the soils average diurnal albedo approximation. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Vol. 6, Issue 3: 1194-1198. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2234440.

26. Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., Piekarczyk J., Kuśnierek K. (2012): Effects of time of bare cultivated soils observation and their roughness on the average diurnal soil albedo approximation by satellite data. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, 22-27 Jul, 2012, Munich, Germany: 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1158-8.

25. Piekarczyk J., Królewicz S., Kaźmierowski C., (2012). Relationships between soil properties of the abandoned fields and spectral data derived from the advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER). Advances in Space Research. Vol. 49: 280-291.

24. Kaźmierowski C., 2010. Estymacja właściwości hydraulicznych gleb Niżu Polskiego. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM (monografia habilitacyjna w druku).

23. Piekarczyk J., Królewicz S., Kaźmierowski C., 2010. Possibilities of using terra aster satellite image for drawing up maps of soil fertility of fallow farmlands. Geoinformatica Polonica, Kraków, No. 10: 45-53.

22. Cierniewski J., Kaźmierowski C, Kuśnierek, Piekarczyk J., Królewicz S., Guliński M, Terelak H., Tomasz Stuczyński T.and Maliszewska-Kordybach B. (2010): Unsupervised clustering of soil spectral curves to obtain their stronger correlation with soil properties. Second Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. 14-16 June 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland: 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8906-0, doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS.2010.5594852..

21.   Kaźmierowski C., Piekarczyk J. – 2008. Gleby. Rozdział w monografii: Uwarunkowania i plany rozwoju turystyki: Tom 1 - Zasoby turystyczne i metody ich oceny (red - Młynarczyk Z. i  Zajadacz A.). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Bogucki.

20.   Kaźmierowski C., 2007. Accuracy evaluation of indirect methods of water retention curve estimation in selected soil of Wielkopolska. 27th Congress Of The Polish Soil Science Society - Soil In Space And Time (Abstracts), September 3-7, 2007. Warsaw, Poland., PTG (CD-room): p. 210-211.

19.   Kaźmierowski C., 2007. Indirect estimation of plant-available water content limits in selected soils of Wielkopolska Province (Poland). 5th Inter. Cong. of the European Soc. for Soil Conserv., June 25-30 2007, Palermo, Changing Soil in a Changing World: the Soils of Tomorrow. Book of abstracts - Dazzi C. (ed.), p. 425.

18.   Piekarczyk J., Kaźmierowski C., Królewicz S., 2007. Relationships between soil properties of the fallow fields and spectral data derived from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer. 5th Inter. Cong. of the European Soc. for Soil Conserv., June 25-30 2007, Palermo, Changing Soil in a Changing World: the Soils of Tomorrow. Book of abstracts - Dazzi C. (ed.), p. 230.

17.   Spychalski M., Kaźmierowski C., Kaczmarek Z., 2007. Estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity on the basis of drainage porosity. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, Environmental Development,  Vol. 10, Issue 1. Dostępne na issue1/art-04.html

16.   Kaźmierowski C., Spychalski M., Kaczmarek Z., 2006. Accuracy of the indirect methods of hydraulic conductivity estimation in selected Wielkopolska soils.  Rocz. Gleb., W-wa, Tom LVII nr 3/4: 55-65.

15. Kaźmierowski C., Spychalski M., Kaczmarek Z. (in press) . Accuracy of the indirect methods of hydraulic conductivity estimation in selected Wielkopolska soils. Rocz. Gleb., W-wa

14. Spychalski M., Kaźmierowski C., Kaczmarek Z., 2004. Possibility of indirect estimation of soil hydraulic conductivity (in Polish). PTG - Instytut Geologii UAM, Poznań. Streszczenia referatów, T. XIII: 48-56.

13. Spychalski M., Kaźmierowski C., 2004. Degradation of soils in arable lands localised in the zone of pipeline construction (in Polish). Rocz. Gleb., W-wa, T. LV, v. 2: 373-384.

12. Kaźmierowski C., 2003. Suitability of different soil texture characteristics for estimation of parameters of van Genuchtenequation (in Polish). Rocz. AR Pozn. CCCLV, Melior. Inż. Środ. 24: 57-66.

11. Kaźmierowski C., 2002. Assessement of soil loss and selected characteristics of plow layer of eroded Glossaquic Hapludalfs (in Polish). Rocz. AR w Poznaniu, 292, Melior. Inż. Środ. 23:181-192.

10. Kaźmierowski C., 2001. Detailed mapping of eroded Hapludalfs In agricultural microcachment of Poznan Lake-land (in Polish). Zesz. Nauk. AR w Szczecinie, Agricultura 87: 87-97.

9.  Marcinek J., Kaźmierowski C., Komisarek J. 1999. Compaction of subsurface horizons of intensively cultivated soils. Rocz. AR im. A. Cieszkowskiego, Poznań, 290, 1: 127-138.

8. Marcinek J. Kaźmierowski C. Komisarek J. 1998. Distribution of soils and differentiation of their characteristics in the catene of undulated ground moraine of Poznań Lake-Land (in Polish). Zesz. Prob. PNR, 460: 53-73. 7.  Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C., Niedzwiecki E., Dąbkowska-Naskręt H., 1997d. Description of soils in the field and applied analytical methods. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Geseltschaft. 84, 350-369. German Edition.

6. Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C., Niedzwiecki E., Dąbkowska-Naskręt H., 1997c. Description of soils in the field and applied analytical methods. In „Comparison of Polish and German Soil Classification Systems”. Wyd. AR, Szczecin.  Polish edition.

5.  Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C. 1997b. Soluble salts movement in the unsaturated zone of Alfisols of Kościan Plain (in Polish). Rocz. AR, Poznań, 294, 1:79-92.

4.  Marcinek J., Kaźmierowski C., Komisarek J. 1997a. Problems of determination of the upper limit of soil water available for plants by field methods (in Polish). Prace Kom. Nauk Roln. i Kom. Nauk Leśn. PTPN, Poznań, 83: 81-97.

3.  Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C. 1995: Spatial and temporal variability of ground water chemistry in drainage soil catena in Wielkopolska  (in Polish) . Zesz. Probl. PNR, 418: 149-157.

2.  Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C. 1995. Physical soil degradation of intensive farming  Hapludalfs and Endoaquolls in       Great Poland (Wielkopolska) (in Polish). Zesz. Probl. PNR, 418: 141-147.

1.  Marcinek J., Komisarek J., Kaźmierowski C. 1994. Dynamics of solutes concentration in ground water of cultivated Hapludalfs and   Endoaquolls (in Polish). Rocz. AR, Poznań, 268, 1: 69-82.

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